16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf

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The 16th Karmapa made Hannah and Lama Ole Nydahl the holders of this practice, with the wish that it is always keep fresh and on the cutting edge of western minds. The emphasis is on actively continuing the pure view, obtained in meditation, into daily life.

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  1. 16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf Free Download Firefox 56 For Mac Delphi 7 Serial Port Wireless Usb For Mac Hp Probook 4530s Windows 10 Drivers Mac 10.11 0 Download Flash Player Download Free For Mac Petter Ava1 Manual Capture One For Mac Free Download Shakuntala Devi Books Pdf Sonic Utopia Free Play.
  2. Apr 20, 2021 Probably, no other GuruYoga is practiced as much in the West as the meditation on the 16th Karmapa.' There are four extant translations of this Guru Yoga available (in both English and Tibetan). These are: A Shower of Ambrosia Generating the Shoot of the Four Kayas. Guru Yoga of the 16th Karmapa: Translator Unknown.

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Release date
August 14, 2008
16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf

The material contains three booklets each describing a meditation ritual used by the Ole Nydahl 'Diamond Way' Westernized Tibetan Buddhism sect, personality cult or religious education franchise (it's not clear which term is appropriate for this group).

The material was previously available for mail order (in 2003). See http://web.archive.org/web/20030202170204/www.diamondway.org/fmeditation.html but was subsequently withdrawn, possibly to encourage in-person attendance.

According to the source, these are three practices loosely based on meditations Ole Nydahl claims were given to him by Lamas of the Karma Kagyu tradition. However, the source states Ole Nydahl has edited and added material inorder to support the cult he created around himself.

  • '16th Karmapa Meditation', dated 2002, guides the reader through the basic ideas and principles of meditation for this religion. A common Buddhist text.
  • 'Black Coat' dated 2003, gives 'a short invocation of Black Coat, the central protector of the Karma Kagyu School'.
  • 'Refuge and the Enlightened Attitude' is a 'translation of a Tibetan meditation text'. It develops the basic principals and phases of meditation.

Other than the usual religious oddities and formalisms the texts do not reveal impropriety to the lay reader although there may be schismatic issues of concern to Buddhists.

  • diamond-way-16th-karmapa.pdf File | Torrent | Magnet
  • diamond-way-black-coat.pdf File | Torrent | Magnet
  • diamond-way-refuge-and-the-enlightened-attitude.pdf File | Torrent | Magnet
File | Torrent | Magnet

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Diamond Way
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Yoga Pdf

SHA256 347df8e5df5e16e9efd82f1ce3d3950c4a80bbb948735de0c803dd19215cf0f3
Description (as provided by our source)

Retrieved from 'https://www.wikileaks.org/wiki/Ole_Nydahl_Diamond_Way_Buddhist_books'

These are the very traditional meditation practices used in Diamond Way Buddhist Centres, together with references to their Tibetan Sources.

16th Karmapa Meditation

This form of ‘Meditation on the Lama' (Skt. Guru Yoga, Tib. Lami Naljor) is a practical and comprehensive tool for enlightenment which was composed the 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje. The 16th Karmapa made Hannah and Lama Ole Nydahl the holders of this practice, with the wish that it is always keep fresh and on the cutting edge of western minds. The emphasis is on actively continuing the pure view, obtained in meditation, into daily life. It is the basic practice of Diamond Way Buddhism. Click here for an interview with Lama Ole Nydahl on the 16th Karmapa Meditation.

Tibetan name: Ku shi nyu gu kye je du tsi char gyun
Tibetan source: 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje (1924-1981)
Translation: The Rain of Nectar Ripening the Seedlings of the Four Buddha States
Commentary: Explanations given by the 16th Karmapa originally in Tsurphu, Tibet, 1957, and USA 1980.

The Four Foundational Practices

The Four Foundational Practices (Tib. Ngöndro) are also known as the preliminary practices of the Great Seal (Skt. Mahamudra) as they lay the basis for realising the true nature of mind. Involving many repetitions, they create strong positive imprints, making one unshakeable. They may take several years to complete. They are a translation of a meditation text known as ‘The Vehicle for the Path of the Supreme', composed by the Ninth Karmapa, Wangchuk Dorje (1555-1603), taken from his ‘Great Treatise of the Instructions of the Great Seal'. The four practices are: (1) Taking Refuge and Developing the Enlightened Attitude; (2) Diamond Mind Meditation (Skt. Vajrasattva; Tib. Dorje Sempa); (3) Mandala Offerings; and (4) Meditation on the Lama. Read more about the Four Foundational Practices here.

Tibetan name: Ngöndro
Tibetan source:Phyag chennges don rgya mtsho
Translation: ‘Ocean of the Definitive Meaning of the Great Seal', 9th Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje (1556-1603)
Commentary:Torch of Certainty by the First Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye (1813-1899), Kalu Rinpoche Sonada India 1970-71, Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche, Becske Hungary 2008

Loving Eyes Meditation

16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf

The material contains three booklets each describing a meditation ritual used by the Ole Nydahl 'Diamond Way' Westernized Tibetan Buddhism sect, personality cult or religious education franchise (it's not clear which term is appropriate for this group).

The material was previously available for mail order (in 2003). See http://web.archive.org/web/20030202170204/www.diamondway.org/fmeditation.html but was subsequently withdrawn, possibly to encourage in-person attendance.

According to the source, these are three practices loosely based on meditations Ole Nydahl claims were given to him by Lamas of the Karma Kagyu tradition. However, the source states Ole Nydahl has edited and added material inorder to support the cult he created around himself.

  • '16th Karmapa Meditation', dated 2002, guides the reader through the basic ideas and principles of meditation for this religion. A common Buddhist text.
  • 'Black Coat' dated 2003, gives 'a short invocation of Black Coat, the central protector of the Karma Kagyu School'.
  • 'Refuge and the Enlightened Attitude' is a 'translation of a Tibetan meditation text'. It develops the basic principals and phases of meditation.

Other than the usual religious oddities and formalisms the texts do not reveal impropriety to the lay reader although there may be schismatic issues of concern to Buddhists.

  • diamond-way-16th-karmapa.pdf File | Torrent | Magnet
  • diamond-way-black-coat.pdf File | Torrent | Magnet
  • diamond-way-refuge-and-the-enlightened-attitude.pdf File | Torrent | Magnet
File | Torrent | Magnet

Further information

United States
Cults and religious organizations
Diamond Way
Primary language
File size in bytes
File type information
Cryptographic identity

Yoga Pdf

SHA256 347df8e5df5e16e9efd82f1ce3d3950c4a80bbb948735de0c803dd19215cf0f3
Description (as provided by our source)

Retrieved from 'https://www.wikileaks.org/wiki/Ole_Nydahl_Diamond_Way_Buddhist_books'

These are the very traditional meditation practices used in Diamond Way Buddhist Centres, together with references to their Tibetan Sources.

16th Karmapa Meditation

This form of ‘Meditation on the Lama' (Skt. Guru Yoga, Tib. Lami Naljor) is a practical and comprehensive tool for enlightenment which was composed the 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje. The 16th Karmapa made Hannah and Lama Ole Nydahl the holders of this practice, with the wish that it is always keep fresh and on the cutting edge of western minds. The emphasis is on actively continuing the pure view, obtained in meditation, into daily life. It is the basic practice of Diamond Way Buddhism. Click here for an interview with Lama Ole Nydahl on the 16th Karmapa Meditation.

Tibetan name: Ku shi nyu gu kye je du tsi char gyun
Tibetan source: 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje (1924-1981)
Translation: The Rain of Nectar Ripening the Seedlings of the Four Buddha States
Commentary: Explanations given by the 16th Karmapa originally in Tsurphu, Tibet, 1957, and USA 1980.

The Four Foundational Practices

The Four Foundational Practices (Tib. Ngöndro) are also known as the preliminary practices of the Great Seal (Skt. Mahamudra) as they lay the basis for realising the true nature of mind. Involving many repetitions, they create strong positive imprints, making one unshakeable. They may take several years to complete. They are a translation of a meditation text known as ‘The Vehicle for the Path of the Supreme', composed by the Ninth Karmapa, Wangchuk Dorje (1555-1603), taken from his ‘Great Treatise of the Instructions of the Great Seal'. The four practices are: (1) Taking Refuge and Developing the Enlightened Attitude; (2) Diamond Mind Meditation (Skt. Vajrasattva; Tib. Dorje Sempa); (3) Mandala Offerings; and (4) Meditation on the Lama. Read more about the Four Foundational Practices here.

Tibetan name: Ngöndro
Tibetan source:Phyag chennges don rgya mtsho
Translation: ‘Ocean of the Definitive Meaning of the Great Seal', 9th Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje (1556-1603)
Commentary:Torch of Certainty by the First Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye (1813-1899), Kalu Rinpoche Sonada India 1970-71, Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche, Becske Hungary 2008

Loving Eyes Meditation

No character trait is finer than compassion, and the Buddha was very conscious of this. He frequently advised people to specifically develop this quality. The different forms of Loving Eyes (Skt. Avalokiteshvara, Tib. Chenrezig) manifest to help beings everywhere and represent the widest expression of kindness on the beyond-personal level. This meditation text was composed by the 12th Century Siddha Thangtong Gyalpo 'King of a Thousand Valleys' (1361-1485). It is practiced according to the instruction given to Hannah and Lama Ole Nydahl by Kalu Rinpoche in Sonada in 1970.

The sims 3 complete collection all sp ep 2014 repack mr dj play. Tibetan name: Chenrezig
Tibetan source:Dro dön Kha khyab ma, Composed by Thangtong Gyalpo (~1385–1464)
Translation: ‘Filling Space to Benefit Beings'
Commentary:Dro dön kha jab may zin dri nyung dü from Maniwa Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche, Bath, UK 2009

8th Karmapa Meditation

This is a ‘Meditation on the Lama' also known as ‘The Guru Yoga in Four Sessions' (Tib. Tun Shi Lame Naljor). The practice is one of the main devotional practices of the Karma Kagyu Lineage and was composed by the Eighth Karmapa Mikyö Dorje (1507–1554). It is used after having completed the Four Foundational Practices.

Tibetan name: Tun Shi Lame Naljor
Tibetan source:Collected Works of the 8th Karmapa, Mikyo Dorje (1507-1554), Treasury of Instructions (gDams ngag mdzod) by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye (1813-1899)
Translation: ‘The Guru Yoga in Four Sessions'
Commentary:Karma Chagme Rinpoche (1603-1678); Karme Khenpo; Shamar Rinpoche, Samye Ling, Scotland, 1982; Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche, Immenstadt Germany, 2009.

Black Coat (Vajra Mahakala)

16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf

This short invokation of the central protector of the Karma Kagyu school, Black Coat (Skt. Mahakala; Tib. Bernagchen), is a sung meditation. This particular text was composed by the Eighth Karmapa Mikyö Dorje (1507–1554). It is a daily practice and is sung in Tibetan after public meditation sessions. Black Coat embodies the love and protective activity of unlimited space. Whoever recites the text daily will become fearless.

Tibetan name: Bernagchen
Tibetan source:Collected Works of the 8th Karmapa, Mikyo Dorje (1507-1554), Treasury of Instructions (gDams ngag mdzod) by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye (1813-1899)
Translation: ‘Invocation of the Protector Black Coat'
Commentary: Part of the longer daily Mahakala Puja practiced in all Karma Kagyu monasteries.

Phowa (Transference of Consciousness)

Phowa is a meditation in which one learns to send one's consciousness into the heart of The Buddha of Limitless Light (Skt. Amitabha) as a preparation for one's own death. Lama Ole Nydahl teaches this many times around the world each year. The Phowa transmission which Lama Ole Nydahl teaches originates in the Longchen Nyingthig tradition of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism which contains the deepest teachings of the Great Perfection (Dzogchen). During the great 'Dolma Naljorma' initiations in Rumtek in the year 1971 the 16th Karmapa brought together Hannah and Ole Nydahl and the Drikung Kagyu Lama, Ayang Tulku, a holder of the Phowa practice. Tenga Rinpoche and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche gave Lama Ole additional Phowa transmissions. In 1987 Shamar Rinpoche authorised Lama Ole to teach Phowa.

16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf Full

Tibetan name: Phowa
Tibetan source:Kunzang Lame Shelung
Translation: ‘The Words of my Perfect Teacher'
Commentary: Composed by Dza Patrul Rinpoche (1808-1887), Lineage of Longchen Nyingthig.

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